It's easy sometimes, when you've spent time with family or talked to friends you miss hugely and who, on occasion, need you to be home for them it is too easy to miss home. I missed home terribly this week...and then I had one of my favourite days since I got here and remembered that I'm one lucky lady and I should be giving thanks for every second I'm here. So I did...
The day started at 6am. This is not a time I regularly recognise nor approve of but it had a purpose. I was off to the Macy's Day Parade!
Having been warned to get there early we arrived to the parade route at Columbus Circle just after 7am...not early enough to bag a spot at the very front and we began to wonder up the route in search of a suitable space. Joyfully (or actually tired and a bit ratty) we decided upone a spot between 62 &63rd Street on Central Park West behind a group that had set up camp outside the barriers at 4am. We were lucky that it was a spot we where we could see the parade route and so we stuck with it.The sun was shining and after an injection of coffee and a doughnut the team was happy! At first we got slammed into by passing crowds but it was not a problem because once the parade started everyone stopped and enjoyed the show...and what a show!
The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade is something everybody should do once. the floats are immense, the balloons are crazy to see and the martching banding caused me to swell a little bit with just how lucky I was to be there. I took 138 photo's which is both shocking and unsurprising. I could have taken 100's more.